Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichi) |
Other names : Wallichi
pheasant Sub sorts : monotypical Homeland : himalayas from Afghanistan till Nepal. Description : they are dead colored comparing to other pheasants. Both male and female have long gray crest. Feathers are light yellow and have gray and black bars. Tail is long with bars in light yellow, gray and brown color. Female highly resembles male however its feathers are mat and shorter. Reproduction age : end of April till June. Annual egg number : 9-12 eggs Incubation period : They well incise the ground of cop. Ground should be well drained. Wiremesh may be placed on the ground in order to ensure grass to grow up otherwise they may destroy such plants. This fowl is highly endurable against winter and cold temperature; since they incisers they should be medicated against internal parasytes time to time. Both male and female assume to take care of young animals.