Mikado Pheasant

Other names : unavailable.

Sub sorts : unavailable.

Homeland : forests of trees with wide leaves and cypress cones at 1500-3000 meters heights in Middle Taiwan.

Description : Males are violet-like black. There are narrow white bars on tail and thigh as well as wing covers. Therefore it is so called mikado. Red extension on the face is bright red. Beak, legs and feet are gray. Females are darker compared to other sorts. They look like Elliot’s female however darkness on the chest of Elliot’s does not appear on this sort. And white signs on chest are more clear compared to Bar-Tailed Pheasant female. Tail is brown with black and white bars.

Reproduction time : From April till June.

Reproduction age : first year.

Annual egg number : 5-10 eggs

Incubation period : They are of ending generation animals. Males are aggressive. Chickens are considerably slender. Since it belongs to forest, it likes shadowy parts of cop. Mikados like green feed therefore it is beneficial to feed them with various types of lettuces.
