Blayth Tragopan (Tragopan blythi)

Other names : Gray Abdomen tragopan.

Sub sorts : Tb blythi and Tb Molesworthi. Generation of Tb blythi is about to cease.

Homeland : Northeast India, Northeast Myanmar and South Tibet.

Description : It is the biggest one of tragopans. Males of this fowl are brighty colored. Hairless face is bright yellow. One black band extends from bottom of beak toward head and another black band extends toward back of eye. Its upper part of chest and neck are root red. Bottom part of chest and abdomen are grayish and there exist mat stains. Back and other parts of body are brownish red and there are many eye-shaped white stains. Yellow stain on throat is not as long as other tragopans during the period of flirtation. Females look like female satyr however they are bigger and pale. They are blacky brown and have white and bright stains. It is distinguished from temminck by absence of black and white dots at bottom parts.

Reproduction time : in March.

Reproduction age : second year

Annual egg number : 2 - 5 eggs

Incubation period : This the most rare sort of pheasant that is bred. Egg-laying boxes being hung in cops are used as with the other tragopans. They are accustomed to mountains therefore they can not well tolerate hot weather, thus they need shadow during summer time. They are resistant to cold weather.
