Other names : Black
neck bar tailed pheasant
Sub sorts : Hume
(S.h.humiae), Burmese (S.h.burmanicus)
Homeland : Northeast
India, North Bhurma, and Southwest Thailand.
Description : Hume
males have top and neck in olive brown, upper chest, back and wings in
steel blue. Remainder parts of body are metallic vivid chestnut and
violet-like colors. Wings exhibit 3 white bars when closed. Lower part
of back and thigh are blue with white bars and the tail is gray with
dark chestnut bars on it. Females have appearance of Elliot’s female
however their chest do not exhibit dark stain.
Reproduction time : April,
Reproduction age :
first year.
Annual egg number : 6-11
Incubation period : Male
can become aggressive against females therefore shelters for females
should be made. They are fed with egg-feed and cereal. They like greens.