Chinese Monal Pheasant (Lophophoprus Ihuysii)

Other names : Chinese Impeyan

Homeland : Alpine meadows and forests of trees with cypress cones at 4800 meters height in summer and 2700 meters height in winter in Middle China.

Description : It is the biggest one of monals; it looks like Himalayan monal however it has a lush and sagged crest with fluctuating violet-bronze color; head is green, orbital skin is blue, back of neck and wings are copper yellow, bottom sides of neck, throat and chin are black. Females exhibit a difference from himalayan monal with their black feathers with bars. Bottom sides are blackish brown and exhibit bright thin bars.

Reproduction age : 2 year age.

Annual egg number : 3-5 eggs

Incubation period : Unavailable in private collections. Breeding chickens has been successful only in San Diego Zoo. It has been listed in sorts of which generation is in risk by CITES.
