Bulwer Wattled Pheasant (Lophura bulweri) |
Other names : Wattled
pheasant, White tailed wattled pheasant, Bulwer pheasant. Sub sorts : Unavailable. Homeland : tropical mountainous forest at 1600 meters height in Borneo. Description : Males are most magnificant ones among all pheasants. Name of sort comes from the bright blue throat extensions that are extending during flirtations. Another specialty is the curly white tail. Body is dark blue in general. Its throat and upper side of chest are violet-like. Females are mat brown and have thin black bars. Crest is absent and face skin is blue. Reproduction age : first year. Annual egg number : 5 eggs Incubation period : Generation is under risk therefore has been taken in protection. It is rarely bred in tropical conditions.